Advisor Queries

Advisor Queries are tools that allow advisors to view different lists of advisees based on certain criteria.

Navigate to Queries

  1. MyPack Portal
  2. ‘Student Information System’ homepage
  3. Reporting Tools
  4. Query Tools
  5. Query Viewer
    • Search by Query Name
  6. Select either HTML or EXCEL for the query. Both options will allow you to view the results of the query in your web browser
    • Choose EXCEL if you want to download the report

IN Grading Query

To find a listing of students/courses with incomplete (IN) grades in a specific term, search:

  2. Term: Click on magnifying glass for Term and choose your preferred semester
  3. Advisor ID (optional): enter ID number or click on the magnifying glass
    • Academic Advisor: search by Advisor ID number > click on the ID number > Click Look Up > click View Results
    • Name: click Advanced Lookup > search by Name > enter Last Name > click Look Up > click on the advisor’s name > click View Results
  4. Student College (optional): click on the magnifying glass
    • Academic Program: search by college abbreviation > click Look Up > click View Results
  5. Academic Plan (optional): select plan if interested in data from a particular concentration


 Column Name Definition
ID Student ID Number
Career UGRD = Undergraduate

GRAD = Graduate

AGI = Agricultural Institute

LN, FN Student last name, first name
Term Semester that was selected when the query was created
Student College College that the student is currently enrolled
Total GPA Cumulative NC State GPA
Subject Course name abbreviation
Catalog Course number
Section Course section number
Grade Base GRD = Graded

SUS = S/U Credit Only

Official Grade IN (Incomplete)
First Enrolled in Graded Cr Date that the student enrolled in the course
Advisor Name Student’s assigned academic advisor
Email Student’s assigned academic advisor’s email address
Academic Plan Major code
Plan Descr Major name
Sub-Plan Concentration code
Sub-Plan Type Descr Concentration, if applicable
Email Student’s NC State email address

Stop-out Data Query

List of students who were enrolled in 1 term and not enrolled in the following term.

  1. Query Name: RR_STOP_OUT_DATA
  2. Census Term Start: click on magnifying glass for Term and choose your preferred semester
  3. Census Term (Not Enrolled): click on magnifying glass for the Term following the on selected in #2
  4. Acad Prog: select college using abbreviation (CALS, COD, CED, etc)
  5. Acad Plan (optional): select plan if interested in data from a particular concentration


Column Name Definition
ID Student ID Number
LN, FN Student last and first name
Career UGRD = Undergraduate

GRAD = Graduate

AGI = Agricultural Institute

Term Census term start
Reg Enroll Stat 1 indicates that the student was enrolled
Acad Prog College
Acad Plan Major
Sub-Plan Concentration, if applicable
BOT Level Dscr Academic Level (Freshman, Sophomore, etc)
Gender Male or Female
Eth Summary Race
Acad Load Dscr Course load (full-time, 3/4 time, etc)
Email Email on file during Term 1
Stdng at End of Term Good, suspended, warning
Acad Stdng Dscr End of Term Good Standing , Suspended, Academic Warning
Total GPA End of Term Cumulative NC State GPA
Wdraw Code End of Term NWD = Did not Withdraw

WDR = Withdrew

Term If student withdrew from Census Term, it is listed (ex. 2218)
Reg Enroll Stat If student withdrew from Census Term, W is listed
Advisor Hold – ADV Currently enrolled student who has a term advertisement hold on their account
Active Term Term in which the student has a term advisement hold
Units Total Total number of credits completed
Units Remaining Total number of credits needed to earn a degree

S/U Grading Query

To find a listing of students who have courses with S/U Grading, search:

  2. Term: click on magnifying glass for Term and choose your preferred semester
  3. Advisor ID: enter ID number or click on the magnifying glass
    • Academic Advisor: search by Advisor ID number > click on the ID number > Click Look Up > click View Results
    • Name: click Advanced Lookup > search by Name > enter Last Name > click Look Up > click on the advisor’s name > click View Results
    • Student College: click on the magnifying glass
    • Academic Program: search by college abbreviation > click Look Up > click View Results


Column Name Definition
ID Student ID Number
LN, FN Student last and first names
Career UGRD = Undergraduate

GRAD = Graduate

AGI = Agricultural Institute

Term Semester that was selected when the query was created
Student College College that the student is currently enrolled
Total GPA Cumulative NC State GPA
Subject Course name abbreviation
Catalog Course number
Section Course section number
Change to S/U Grade Base Course is being evaluated as credit only (SUS)
Official Grade Final grade in the course

S = Received credit

U = Did not receive credit

Change to SU Date Date that the student changed the course to SU in MyPack Portal
First enrolled in Graded Cr Date that the student officially enrolled in the course
Grade Base Format of the course when student officially enrolled. GRD means that the course was Graded
Advisor name Student’s assigned academic advisor
Email Student’s assigned academic advisor’s email address
Acad Plan Student’s major code
Plan Dscr Student’s major name
Sub-Plan Student’s concentration code, if applicable
Subplan TP Dscr Concentration, if applicable
Email Student’s NC State email address