Make a Payment
Parents/Guardians with access can use the 'Student Accounts' tile on the 'Student Homepage' to view 'What I Owe' and to 'Make a Payment.'
Navigate to Student Accounts and Make a Payment
MyPack Portal > Student Homepage > Student Accounts > Make a Payment
- Log into MyPack Portal using the ‘NCSU Parents/Guests’ login (Parents who are also Students or Employees of the University will log into MyPack using the NCSU Faculty/Staff/Students option as normal.)
- Select the ‘Student Homepage’
- Select the ‘Parent/Guardian Information’ tile
- Select a student by clicking a checkbox, then return to the Student Homepage to view that student’s data
- Select the ‘Student Accounts’ tile
- Select ‘Make a Payment’ from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select a payment type by clicking a checkbox
- Click ‘Pay Now’
NOTE: Once you click ‘Pay Now’ you will be transferred to a secure payment site where you will be able to complete the payment process. Be sure your pop-up blockers are disabled.