Degree Audit Added Functionality: Moves and Waives
Step 1. Click on the “waive” button next to any course that needs to be waived to open up the waive request box.
Step 2. Before you can request a waive you must enter in a comment for the approver. You can also click “return” to go back to the degree audit without submitting any request.
Step 3. Once a comment has been entered the request can be submitted by clicking the “Request” button
Step 4. An “Exception Pending” alert box will appear letting you know the request is pending approval.
Step 5. A “pending waiver” message will appear below the course while the waiver is waiting to be approved. This can be clicked if you wish to delete your waiver request at any time. To change the comment please delete the request and resubmit. Note: Students will not see pending course moves/waives until they have been approved.
Step 6. To request a manual exception for a requirement click “move” by the course you wish to reassign.
Step 7. The move/waive buttons will change to “here” to allow you to select the requirement you wish to fulfill.
Step 8. Select the new location for the course by clicking “here”. This will open up the move request box.
Step 9. Before you can request a move you must enter in a comment for the approver. You may also override minimum grade points or S/U grading basis. These override options will not appear if a requirement does not have those particular restrictions.
Step 10. Once a comment is entered the request can be submitted by clicking the “Request” button.
Step 11. An “Exception Pending” alert box will appear letting you know the request is pending approval.
Step 1. Custom requirement course lists can now be created by clicking on the “Rqmnt Details” next to any requirement that does not have a set list of courses.
Step 2. Click the “Customize Requirement” button at the top of the screen to access the custom requirement request tool.
Step 3. Here you see the options to expand three sections: Comments, Pick from Student Records, or Pick from Course Catalog.
Step 4. The sections can be expanded by clicking on the carrot by the comment header. You can also use the “return” button anytime to return to the degree audit but please note that your progress will not be saved unless you click “request”.
Step 5. Appropriate courses can be selected from the student’s completed or in-progress courses. Click “select” next to a course to move it into the custom requirement course list.
Step 6. Courses that meet the requirement can also be selected from the course catalog. First select a subject and then click “fetch courses”.
Step 7. Select appropriate courses from the same subject. Change the subject to select additional courses.
Step 8. Once the course list is ready for approval click “Request”.
Step 9. A “Customizations saved” alert box will appear letting you know the request was submitted and is pending approval.
Step 10. A “Pending Rqmnts” message will appear while it is waiting to be approved. Click to modify your request at any time prior to approval.